Code Podcast

Episode 8: P2P People to People

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Slack servers are down and work stops. Facebook sells users’ personal data to third-parties with no negative consequences to the company. Turkey successfully blocks citizens’ access to Wikipedia. Those are all results of peoples’ decisions of course, but there’s also something else at play. Our mainstream technology stack makes execution on all of those decisions ridiculously easy.

The Internet didn’t quite deliver on its original promise and today we’re talking with people who are fixing it.

Episode was produced by Andrey Salomatin.

Music by Mid-Air!

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Find us in P2P networks

  • This episode in Dat: dat://084e8ceae2fd1012e5368a70908acdb7aa92c3f5de0c62d14ef5beacbf19295d

  • This episode in IPFS: QmVVjxxitJrhNoRkTe3nJ2SztWMx9tYnpURuAVAY3Dx75y cheat through a https gateway

  • Andrey in Scuttlebutt: @RP01FOdcs/QABLmMxTGe1U9myUfSLN/5ItlXQcp7oWQ=.ed25519

  • Zenna in Scuttlebutt: @3ZeNUiYQZisGC6PLf3R+u2s5avtxLsXC66xuK41e6Zk=.ed25519

  • Mikey in Scuttlebutt: @6ilZq3kN0F+dXFHAPjAwMm87JEb/VdB+LC9eIMW3sa0=.ed25519


  • 00:07 Introducing the topic
  • 01:57 Limitations of centralized systems
  • 04:57 Introducing Jon-Kyle
  • 05:57 Introducing Zenna
  • 08:23 Introducing Mathias
  • 11:20 BitTorrent and scale
  • 14:19 Multiple versions of the truth, version control systems (Jon-Kyle)
  • 19:16 Introducing Christian
  • 20:08 Git internal structure
  • 22:03 Benefits of Git architecture
  • 27:03 Why is Git not dicentralized
  • 32:23 How Dat started, tech description of the protocol (back to Mathias)
  • 45:28 Dat usecases (Mathias and Jon-Kyle)
  • 51:42 Future of Dat (Mathias)
  • 53:54 Introducing Mikey
  • 55:07 History of Scuttlebutt
  • 56:22 How Scuttlebutt works
  • 65:30 Usecases for Scuttlebutt
  • 69:29 Vision for the decentralized future (Zenna)
  • 71:39 Final thoughts on the topic, summary, thanks


Links: Git

Links: Dat & Beaker

Links: Scuttlebutt